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Plenary Speakers
Albert-Laszlo Barabasi, Northeastern University and Harvard Medical School.
Albert-Laszlo Barabasi is a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Notre Dame, a Distinguished University Professor and Director of the Center for Complex Network Research at Northeastern University. Professor Barabasi and his team discovered that networks in nature follow a common blueprint, having scale-free characteristics, by investigating the topology of the World Wide Web, Internet, cellular and social networks. His current research involves exploring a wide range of network structures, asking questions pertaining to the error and attack tolerance of complex networks, their robustness, and trying to address the dynamics of networks in general.

Nicholas Christakis, Harvard Medical School

Nicholas A. Christakis, MD, PhD, MPH, is an internist and social scientist who conducts research on social factors that affect health, health care, and longevity. He is Professor of Medical Sociology in the Department of Health Care Policy at Harvard Medical School; Professor of Medicine in the Department of Medicine at Harvard Medical School; and Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology in the Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences. He is the Master of Pforzheimer House in Harvard College.
Dr. Christakis' lab is currently focused on the relationship between social networks and health. People are inter-connected, and so their health is inter-connected. This research engages two types of phenomena: the social, mathematical, and biological rules governing how social networks form ("connection") and the biological and social implications of how they operate to influence thoughts, feelings, and behaviors ("contagion"). Other ongoing investigations in the lab consider the effects of neighborhoods on people's health, the biodemographic determinants of longevity, the widowhood effect ("dying of a broken heart"), and the genetic bases for human behaviors.
Along with his long-time collaborator, James Fowler, Dr. Christakis has authored a general-audience book on social networks: Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives, which has been translated into nearly twenty foreign languages.

Noshir Contractor, Northwestern University

Noshir Contractor is the Jane S. & William J. White Professor of Behavioral Sciences in the McCormick School of Engineering & Applied Science, the School of Communication and the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, USA. He is the Director of the Science of Networks in Communities (SONIC) Research Group at Northwestern University.
He is investigating factors that lead to the formation, maintenance, and dissolution of dynamically linked social and knowledge networks in communities. Specifically, his research team is developing and testing theories and methods of network science to map, understand and enable more effective networks in a wide variety of contexts including communities of practice in business, science and engineering communities, disaster response teams, public health networks, digital media and learning networks, and in virtual worlds, such as Second Life. His research program has been funded continuously for over a decade by major grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation with additional funding from the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Rockefeller Foundation, and the MacArthur Foundation.

Vasant Dhar, NYU Stern School of Business

Vasant Dhar is Paduano Fellow, Professor, Head of the Information Systems Group, and Director for the Center for Digital Economy Research at the Stern School of Business at NYU. His longstanding research has been on building robust automated decision making systems from large databases based on principles and methods from Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and related disciplines. His emphasis is on predictive modeling, across areas that span financial markets and other domains including economic networks, news, sponsored search markets, blogs and other user generated content. He is author of two books and over 70 research articles, funded by grants from industry and the National Science Foundation. He pioneered the use of machine learning for predictive modeling on Wall Street across proprietary systematic trading, risk management, and customer and sales-force management.

Christos Faloutsos, Carnegie Mellon

Christos Faloutsos is a Professor of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. He has received the Presidential Young Investigator Award by the National Science Foundation (1989), the Research Contributions Award in ICDM 2006, nine ``best paper'' awards, and several teaching awards. He has served as a member of the executive committee of SIGKDD; he has published over 160 refereed articles, 11 book chapters and one monograph. He holds five patents and he has given over 20 tutorials and over 10 invited distinguished lectures. His research interests include data mining for streams and networks, fractals, indexing for multimedia and bio-informatics data, and database performance

Sanjeev Goyal, University of Cambridge

Sanjeev Goyal is Professor of Economics at the University of Cambridge and Fellow of Christ's College. He is a pioneer in the economic study of networks, with research published in leading journals such as Econometrica, American Economic Review, Journal of Politial Economy and Review of Economic Studies. His book, Connections: an introduction to the economics of networks, was published by Princeton University Press in 2007.

Matthew Jackson, Stanford University

Matt Jackson is the William D. Eberle Professor of Economics at Stanford University. He is also Director of the Stanford Institute of Theoretical Economics and Director of the CEME-NSF Decentralization Conference Series. His research focuses on consumer behavior, markets and auctions, mechanism design, political economy and networks and social economics. Professor Jackson has been editor of Games and Economic Behavior since 2007 and was recently elected in 2009 as a Fellow of the American Academy of the Arts and Sciences.

Michael Kearns, University of Pennsylvania

Since 2002, Michael Kearns has been a Professor in the Computer and Information Science Department at the University of Pennsylvania, where he also holds the National Center Chair in Resource Management and Technology. He also has Secondary Appointments in the Wharton School in Operations and Information Management and Statistics. His research interests include topics in machine learning, artificial intelligence, algorithmic game theory, social networks, and computational finance. Professor Kearns is currently on the editorial boards of Mathematics of Operations Research, Games and Economic Behavior, the Journal of the ACM, and the MIT Press series on Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning.

David Lazer, Harvard University

David Lazer is an Associate Professor of Public Policy and Director of the Program on Networked Governance at Harvard University, Kennedy School of Governance.  His research interests include Information Governance, Global Governance, Interest Group Networks, Team Networks, and Network Analysis. “Most of my work is based on the idea that how people and organizations are connected together is critical to understanding the functioning, success and failure of actors and systems.”  He is an authority on social network analysis, with a series of papers on the diffusion of information among interest groups and between interest groups and the government.

Alessandro Vespignani, Indiana University

Alessandro Vespignani is currently James H. Rudy Professor of Informatics and Computing and adjunct professor of Physics and Statistics at Indiana University where he is also the director of the Center for Complex Networks and Systems Research (CNetS) and associate director of the Pervasive Technology Institute. He has obtained his Ph.D. at the University of Rome “La Sapienza.” After holding research positions at Yale University and Leiden University, he has been a member of the condensed matter research group at the International Center for Theoretical Physics (UNESCO) in Trieste. Before joining Indiana University Vespignani has been a faculty of the Laboratoire de Physique Theorique at the University of Paris-Sud working for the French National Council for Scientific Research (CNRS) of which he is still member at large. Vespignani is an elected fellow of the American Physical Society and is serving in the board/leadership of a variety of professional association and journals and the Institute for Scientific Interchange Foundation in Turin, Italy.

Duncan Watts, Yahoo! Research

Duncan Watts is a principal research scientist at Yahoo! Research, where he directs the Human Social Dynamics group. Prior to joining Yahoo!, he was a full professor of Sociology at Columbia University, where he taught from 2000-2007. He has also served on the external faculty of the Santa Fe Institute and Nuffield College, Oxford. His research on social networks and collective dynamics has appeared in a wide range of journals, from Nature, Science, and Physical Review Letters to the American Journal of Sociology. He is also the author of "Six Degrees: The Science of A Connected Age" (Norton, 2003), and recently "Everything is Obvious (Once You Know The Answer)" (Crown Business, 2011). He holds a B.Sc. in Physics from the Australian Defence Force Academy, from which he also received his officer’s commission in the Royal Australian Navy, and a Ph.D. in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics from Cornell University.
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Key Dates
Workshop Dates:
September 30th-October 1st, 2011
Abstract Submission Deadline:
August 20th, 2011
Notification to Authors:
September 1st, 2011
Final Abstract Submission for Publication in Workshop Notes:
September 15th, 2011
Early Registration Deadline:
September 10th, 2011
Onsite Registration(Space Permitting):
September 30th, 2011
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